PNL Analysis

On PNL Analysis, you can monitor and track the performance of all historical positions (opened and closed). Clicking on PNL Analysis under Open Positions will take you to a separate page where you can see a detailed analysis.

  • Realized PNL shows the net profit gained from all closed positions

  • View the net profit and loss of all opened positions (bar chart) for the last 7 and 30 days

    • Green bar: Net Profit

    • Red bar: Net Loss

  • Click on each bar to view the daily PNL of each asset in USD (current value)

    • Currently open positions take into account the current value of each asset to calculate the daily returns

    • Closed positions take into account the value of each asset during the closing of the position to calculate the daily returns

    • Daily returns of each asset are shown in the order from highest to lowest APY

  • To see the PNL data for all periods, click the export to Excel button to retrieve all historical data

Last updated